The Indian education system has several problems that have been talked about for a long time. One big issue is that students often end up just memorizing facts instead of really understanding things. This happens because exams usually test how well you remember stuff from textbooks rather than how well you can think critically or solve problems creatively.
Another problem is that there aren’t enough good teachers, especially in rural areas. This means that not all students get the same quality of education. And even where schools exist, many lack basic things like enough classrooms, libraries, and labs.
There’s also a big gap between rich and poor when it comes to who gets a good education. Kids in cities often have more opportunities than those in rural areas or from poorer families.
The focus on board exams, like CBSE or ICSE, puts a ton of pressure on students. This pressure can really affect their mental health and well-being.
The things students learn don’t always match what’s needed in the real world. The curriculum doesn’t always keep up with what’s happening in society or with what jobs need. And there’s not enough focus on teaching practical skills or preparing students for careers.
Another issue is how schools and students are evaluated. Tests and exams don’t always show the full picture of what students have learned. There’s a need for better ways to understand how well students are doing.
Political influences sometimes affect education policies and decisions, which can make things complicated. And when it comes to higher education, places like IITs and IIMs are great, but not everyone can get into them or afford them.
Efforts are being made to fix these problems. The National Education Policy 2020 is one example. It aims to change things to make education more fair, flexible, and better suited to today’s world. But changing such a big system takes time and effort from a lot of people